Congratulations to all the members of I.E.S. Portada Alta for being awarded a first prize in Andalucia for their participation in the promotion of the CULTURE OF PEACE . Above all we must thank this recognition to the psycological counselling given by some teachers in the reflection room and of course peer mediation.
At this moment we have more than one hundred mediators at our disposal which means a 20 per cent of total pupils divided in four stages:
Level 0. Class Mediation : First year students At this moment we have more than one hundred mediators at our disposal which means a 20 per cent of total pupils divided in four stages:
Level I. Peer Mediation: Second ,third and fourth year students
Level II. Peer Mediation: Second ,third and fourth year students and 1º Bachillerato
Level III. Personal Support: 4º ESO y Bachillerato