Sunday, October 30, 2011



These are some of the  funny monsters created by my 2ºESO Bilingual students for Halloween :

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This week we are going to watch some  flashcards  about costumes, Jack O´Lantern, skeletons and all these scaring things so we can practise our pronunciation and learn some songs  with Lauren Guimmell our Scottish Language Assistant.

Some ideas for our optional assignments are: 
  • Students can surf the net for some information about Halloween to write a nice project and add some photos to decorate their class.
  • They can write  a short paragraph about something they have done for Halloween in the past, for  example, what they have dressed up as or a party they have attended to.    
  • They can invent a very short story related to Halloween, for example a spooky story.  
  •  They  can draw a picture of their favourite Halloween "monsters"  and then write a short paragraph describing them.
    I am sure there will be some funny surprises on Friday :-))

    Have fun guys !

    Saturday, October 8, 2011


    Our 2º ESO Bilingual students enjoying their English class using edmodo      

    It´s a free, secure, social learning platform for teachers, students, schools and districts.With worldwide use at over 1.5M as of Feb 2011, this popular service enables teachers to connect better with students, and safely leverage web resources for creative teaching.
    Some of the social network capabilities which Edmodo provides, include:
    • Enables teachers to post messages for their students
    • Enables teachers to assign and grade assignments
    • Enables teachers and students to share content and materials
    • Enables teachers to network with other teachers, to share ideas and resources
    • Keeps communications safe and secure with built-in privacy controls for each virtual classroom.

    Sunday, October 2, 2011